
poetics of the resistance in Valparaíso




Revolt, Multitude, Urban intervention


The recent social movement that emerged in Chile in October 2019 gave rise to a series of poetic-political interventions in the streets of different cities in the country, sometimes ephemerally transforming the rhythm of the city and the lives of its inhabitants. The case of the city of Valparaíso, where the police repression was one of the most terrible, concentrates great attention, due to the multiple interventions that were carried out to demand a change of life in the country. In this article we propose to carry out a cartography of these interventions, analyzing three lines of these poetics that configured a new field of possible, firstly, the inscriptions on the city walls; second, performances by women; to end with new slogans for a new life in the marches and demonstrations.


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Author Biographies

Patricio Landaeta, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Doctor en Filosofía. Mención Doctor Europeo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España.

Ari Jerrems, Monash University

PhD in Philosophy. He is a professor at Monash University, School of Political and Social Research.


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How to Cite

LANDAETA, Patricio; JERREMS, Ari. Visibilities: poetics of the resistance in Valparaíso. Quaestio - Revista de Estudos em Educação, Sorocaba, SP, v. 23, n. 1, p. 19–33, 2021. DOI: 10.22483/2177-5796.2021v23n1p19-33. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.



Dossiê - Investigações poéticas e cocriação entre pensamento e vida