Polytechnic education and political training for young people





polytechnic, youths, political formation.


The central concern of this essay turns to the discussion about polytechnic education and its contributions in the political formation of young people, since some schools are more attentive to the metrics of the diagnostic evaluations of the Ministry of Education (MEC) than in training for the exercising citizenship and preparing for the world of work. It was constituted in a qualitative and dialectical approach, produced through bibliographic research and document analysis. As repercussions, it is assumed that polytechnics contribute to the development of a sense of importance of political participation in young people, given that it is expected that the subject formed in its cultural, scientific, technical and technological aspects, that is, in the category of totality, be more critical and reflective.


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Author Biographies

Priscila da Silva Soares, Instituto Federal do Acre - IFAC

Assistente Social. Mestranda em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica pelo ProfEPT - IFAC

Wilkerson Oliveira de Avilar, Instituto Federal do Acre - IFAC

Licenciado em História. Mestrando em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica -  ProfEPT IFAC

Roberta Pasqualli, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC

Doutora em Educação. Docente permanente do PPG em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica - ProfEPT IFSC



How to Cite

SOARES, Priscila da Silva; AVILAR, Wilkerson Oliveira de; PASQUALLI, Roberta. Polytechnic education and political training for young people. Quaestio - Revista de Estudos em Educação, Sorocaba, SP, v. 25, p. e023017, 2023. DOI: 10.22483/2177-5796.2023v25id4156. Disponível em: https://uniso.emnuvens.com.br/quaestio/article/view/4156. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.



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