Exploring the playful methodology
domino game in teaching angles to deaf students
mathematics teaching, inclusive education, accessible material.Abstract
This article investigates the potential of using a personalized domino game as a pedagogical tool in teaching abstract mathematical concepts, with an emphasis on the object of knowledge angles, for deaf students. The main motivation and justification is to develop an inclusive methodology that overcomes the difficulties faced by these students in learning concepts. The central problem is the need for pedagogical strategies that promote meaningful and engaging learning, considering the particularities of deaf students. The study is based on the theoretical references of inclusive learning, mathematics teaching, Historical-Cultural Psychology and historical and dialectical materialism. The experimental methodology adopted the use of personalized dominoes, with pieces representing different types of angles, to facilitate the understanding of abstract concepts in an interactive way for a class with eighteen students, three of whom were hearing impaired. During the activities, there was an improvement in the understanding of angles, an increase in engagement and greater interest among students in mathematics. Furthermore, the game favored the development of social and communication skills, with the use of Brazilian Sign Language in group interactions.
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