The knots in the classroom
education, sensitive experience, classroom.Abstract
The present article - The knots in the classroom reflects on the prerogatives of an education open to sensitivity and the encounter between subjects in the educational environment. Through the (auto) biography approach, it is possible to wander through the temporalities of teaching / student doing, opening up to the narrated places and the perception of experiential non-linearity, evidenced in subjects who learn together. Revisiting educational space-times o meeting places guides us to the interpretive and experiential multiplicity of the classroom. From a theoretical and judicious investigation, the ideas outlined stopped to reflect on a reality that opens up endlessly between the rational and the sensitive. In this way, the image of a classroom that cannot be summarized in terms of measuring the world in solitary rationalities, but open to the totality that excludes nothing, urges in learning by means of completeness / (in) completeness as a movement to search for ourselves and the other.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Silvia Sell Duarte Pillotto, Antonio Marcio do Amaral, Ernesto Jacob Keim

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