Teaching work and its conflicts in times of a pandemic
teaching work, conflicts, Covid-19 pandemic.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to discuss the relationship between the performed activity and the real activity in the early stages of the pandemic, especially the conflicts that emerged in this context due to the resulting discourses. For this reflection, we are based on the theoretical-methodological contribution of Sociodiscursive Interactionism, in a dialogue with the principles of the Clinic of Activity. Interviews with three teachers were the chosen instrument to create data, and the Theme Orientation Segments and Theme Treatment Segments were used to analyze the resulting data. These interviews showed that the discourses around the teaching work were manifested as a type of conflict, as the teachers were confronted with the various social voices that surrounded the teaching work at that time. It is important to consider that the discourses given about or around the teaching work are great builders of meanings, which can generate conflicts.
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