The School and the (Re)production of Ableism
capitalism, school, ableism.Abstract
This essay proposes a reflection on the issue of ableism present in schools in the form of prejudice and devaluation of the abilities of people with disabilities due to the belief that individuals who experience different physical, sensory or cognitive conditions are “less productive” or capable. In this sense, the objective of this research is to seek to understand how the relational experiences lived by students in the school environment can produce, reproduce or inhibit ableism. The text is methodologically organized in a bibliographic review from a perspective of critical reading based on authors who are references in the topic addressed. The historical path of the idea of inclusion and disability will be analyzed, as well as, in publications that deal with school, capitalism and disability, implications for school inclusion. Next, the object of exploration will be the conceptions of the medical model and ableist practices with people with disabilities, preceded by considerations about this methodological and analytical path. From this demand, it was possible to verify that the belief of incapacity in relation to bodies that do not conform to a normative standard is based on the medical model of understanding human corporeality that establishes a close relationship with the capitalist mode of production. In this context, the essay analyzes how schools sometimes (re)produce exclusionary and ableist practices and presents a proposal for dialogue on the subject so that this institution adopts new emancipatory and inclusive practices.
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