Exploring the lexical ambiguity of technical terms in probability
the concept of the word “Chance” by students in the final years of Elementary School
probabilistic language, elementary school, multivariate textual analysis.Abstract
The objective of this work was to identify the language used by students in the ninth year of Elementary School through everyday knowledge and/or what they learned at school regarding the meaning of the word “Acaso” and associate it with theoretical and practical meanings. Of Probability Theory and outline strategies to teach this concept. Textual analyses of an exploratory type, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, were carried out in a questionnaire made available on Google Forms, using the IraMuTeQ software (R Interface for Multidimensional Text and Questionnaire Analysis) in which analyzes were used. of similarity. The lexical ambiguity found refers to everyday language, showing a linguistic complexity that relates multiple meanings and meanings in multiple contexts. It is considered that this information is necessary to allow the generation of teaching material that favors the constructive evolution of these conceptions towards more elaborate forms for teaching probabilistic concepts.
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